Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A quick sketch I made titled "Totalitarian Time." Exploring Kant's views on space and time, as being a priori knowledge in which intuitions, sensations, concepts, thoughts, and reality altogether must abide by in order for a posteriori, empirical notions to occur. Basically by switching the place of the head and the watch, I thought it was a way of showing the dictation of time over everything, as opposed to a person looking at their watch or clock, the clocks watch us.

1 comment:

  1. This sketch immediately triggered the image I've had ingrained in my brains wall since my childhood. It was from this book I read in my youth where a young gentleman married a woman who would always have a scarf tied around her neck. Years later she fell ill, and on her deathbed she advised her husband to unravel her scarf. As he did, her head fell off. As for your drawing, I will quote the late, great Burgess Meredith, "It's not fair, there was time now".
